Saturday, August 30, 2008

Daddy's Intuition

Every parent loves Chic-Fil-A. They have a good food (even for breakfast), a safe play area, good values, and extremely good service. But this one day, Daddy wanted to go to McDonalds for breakfast to get a McRiddle (two tiny pancake-like breads loaded with syrup sandwiching a sausage patty - it's absolutely terrible for you).

Nathan, as always, needs to let out some energy and play. This time it was with a 3 year old girl who appears fairly spoiled. They get along fine as long as Nathan is not getting into her way. She wants to play with him, but only on her terms. This story is going sour pretty quick.

Nathan now has a bigger lump on his forehead than he's ever had. While she was playing with her 'alien toy' -- which was really a Star Wars Happy Meal toy of a C3PO head on a skateboard -- Nathan walked around her to go down the slide. She had been sending her toy down the slide first, then herself, then Nathan could go. This time, he didn't play by her rules and she got upset. Daddy heard her say 'No, I go first.' Then he heard a thump, a pause (the dreadfuly calm before the storm), and then Nathan scream and cry. Daddy ran to the bottom of the slide while Mommy ran up the stairs to the top of the slide. Daddy crawled up the slide and see Nathan in tears going down the slide on his bum. Nathan always goes down a slide on his tummy.

And there it was. The lump on his head. Daddy felt soo bad for his son. He had a hunch this young 3 year old girl was not a safe playmate for his precious son. Sometimes you can just tell -- she seemed spolied, selfish, and wreckless -- and Daddy had the hunch. (For better or worse, Daddy ignored the hunch. He didn't think his son would understand if he tried to get him to play on something else when no other kids were around.)

Mommy lost it. She was livid at this girl and her grandparents. She had to leave the play area and get some ice for Nathan, but she also needed it to cool off.

Nathan is better. Mommy is bitter. Daddy understands.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After those last two stories...I am beginning to question your parenting skills (haaaa!!) Fire ants and bad judgement on who to play with...what is next Frette's??

Isn't parenting soooo much fun, a different experience EVERY DAY!!