Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The sand

Daddy brought home some sand the other day. He needed it to fill in some holes he dug for the sprinkler system and some low spots in the backyard. Being a good daddy, he took about 1 bucket's worth and poured it onto the back patio for Nathan to play in. Nathan absolutely loves sand. He pours it into his pool, throws it into the yard, and even saves some of it in his diaper and crocs.

So last Tuesday, Nathan, as usual, goes outside after not eating much of his dinner. :) He goes and plops his bottom in the sand and begins to scoop it up with his plastic shovel. Not long after that, he begins to make a whiney fuss, which soon turns into full on screaming. We ran outside to help him and discovered it was those 'damn' ants. Some fire ants decided to make their way thru the sand. Our poor son just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

We were both pretty upset. Mommy got there first and was able to get all the ants off him. Daddy ensured all his clothing, shoes, and diaper were removed and gave him a quick lookover. We ran him inside to the sick to run some water over the bites to clean them off. We then put some benadryl on him.He still is itchy, and his legs look terrible. A photo will be coming soon. Nathan's left leg was later counted to have 30+ ant bits, and the other had at least 15 to 20.

We knew this day would eventually come. It doesn't make it any easier.

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